This past week the girls were asked to showcase their talents at a local daycare center. Arielle played parts of some pieces. The one you are going to hear in this video clip is Sonatina in C Major and Danielle dances to "I Can Only Imagine" The dance she choreographed herself and gets there and finds the floor space is much smaller than she is used to so she had to re work some stuff as she was dancing. The girls then interacted with the children and all seemed to have a good time. Of course most of the boys seemed bored! I love the fact that my girls are out in the world sharing their gifts and blessing others. Shoshannah was introduced and adoption was talked about. Of course she is so cute that the kids loved her. Then we introduced Elijah (Jaylen) and talked more about adoption... A good day. I will try to get Danielle's Dance up soon.