Sunday, December 28, 2008

What a Wonderful Life

This has been one of the most wonderful Christmas' times ever. Ellis and Gina came home on December 20 so I had all my children home. It was a great week, the kids played card games, Spit/Spoons, Clue came out a couple of times, they talked music, listened to music, watched movies together and did lots of eating and laughing. It made this momma's heart soar. You know when you know beyond a shadow of a doubt that your calling in life is to be a Mom then the things that bring you the greatest happiness are those things that involve your children. I am so proud of my children. They all love the Lord and each other,and are truly a joy to have around. When Ellis and Gina read this I hope they truly know the gift they gave me by being home for Christmas. I know as God directs their lives they will be moving far away to attend Grad school so each moment I have with them is precious. This is Gina's first year as part of our family and she just brought a freshness to our holiday. I am so blessed!

Of course, for our family this time also involves lots of birthday fun.Danielle turned 12 then we had Christmas Eve. We opened the family gift early in the morning as Andrew had to work in the afternoon. Guitar Praise was a big hit here. I think Shoshannah and I are the only ones who didn't get into that gift. But Shoshannah had fun with the box it came in. The game was played all day and they had a blast. Then we had our traditional Christmas Eve meal of grilled Steak, shrimp, baked potatoes, peppers and onions,and fruit. It was great and that evening our entire family attended our Christmas Eve service at church. Then home to snack and play more games. Christmas morning dawned and it was funny. Shoshannah chose to sleep in until 6:30 and when we walked outside my bedroom door there stood Andrew, Danielle and Arielle waiting to go down and see what Santa brought. Ellis and Gina were quick to be up.

We came down and Shoshannah's new baby doll high chair, bed and stroller were out. Craig told Shoshannah that while she was sleeping that Santa and brought her presents. Her reply.. I don't mind. So then we were off to opening. Shoshannah got a new doll that moves and says mama. I wish I had a picture of her face when the doll first spoke. Priceless. The gifts were opened and then everyone went on his and her way to enjoy all their gifts. I cooked breakfast then started on our late lunch. It was just a lazy day of fun!

Then Friday morning I got breakfast in bed from my girls and the family took me out for dinner. Hey that video camera that I hinted at in a previous post well santa missed his turn and Craig gave it to me for my birthday.

God has blessed our family in so many ways and we are so thankful of His unending mercy and grace. And we are most thankful for the gift of our Savior. As I reflected on Christmas morning and all that it symbolizes, God just brought to me that this was all intentional. Jesus knew when He stepped out of Heaven, that He was coming to give His life for me. He knew me then, He loved me then, He willingly left the splendor of Heaven to die for me. AMAZING! As I was sharing this with the girls that morning, I said I love my children more than words can explain and there is not one person I would willingly give my children for. Aren't we all glad I am not God??

I hope each of you had a wonderful Christmas with your families and friends. We have one more birthday for this year. Arielle will be 14 tomorrow. Oh My!

I will leave you with a few pictures, video to come soon.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Happy 12th Birthday Danielle

Well, one of our Princesses turned 12 today. For Danielle it started with breakfast in bed, well sorta bed. She asked for Toaster Strudel and Pop Tarts for breakfast. So at 7am today I was making a run to Wally World. Brought it home and Arielle, Andrew and Shoshannah delivered it to her in her temporary room. She gave up her room while Ellis and Gina are home. Since, Andrew was working tonight he presented her with a book and she spent most of the day reading. Then Ellis took her to the library for some bonding time over books and movies. For dinner she requested, Chicken Alfredo over Fettuccine with Spinach and also yeast rolls. Then off to open presents and enjoy Candy Bar Cake.

Danielle, has always been a precious little girl. She has a servants heart, she loves so deeply and is truly just a wonderful light to our family and those who know her. I stand amazed that God placed her in our family and I get to be her mom. While I am not rushing her growing up I am looking forward to seeing what God does in and with her life. It is gonna be AWESOME!.

So Happy Birthday Danielle your family loves you!

Thursday, December 18, 2008


Danielle, is taking two dance classes this year. Her Wednesday class in non recital (which she doesn't like ,but our bank account does!). Her teacher, Mrs Christine tried to set up with a local store for them to come in and dance a Hebrew dance they have learned, that didn't pan out. Then I tried to get it set up for them to go into a nursing home and dance but that too did not work out, so the girls just danced for their families on Wednesday. It is a cute dance and the girls did great. You are only going to get to see a portion of it as I didn't push the button on the camera in time to record the whole thing. I hope Santa brings a video camera for Christmas or maybe the day after??:)

Danielle as always you did great! Keep working hard.
Don't forget to go to the bottom to turn off the Christmas music before viewing!

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Somethings Missing!

Well, the beautiful season is upon us! Christmas is our favorite holiday. The weekend after Thanksgiving we began to put up the Christmas decorations. After moving and renting homes over the past 24 years we now own our home. Again this year we are using all our old decorations thinking through how we want our home to look over the upcoming years. This year I will be hitting the sales picking up pieces that fit with this home and the way I envision Christmas looking.
We put up the tree, the girls and I hung the lights and ornaments. After we had done that, Shoshannah got down on the floor, peered under the tree and said" Somethings missing!". I asked what? Her reply."PRESENTS" Now this comes from a little girl who for the first time , saw Santa in the mall (from a distances) and the girls told her Santa brings presents. So now she is trying to figure that out.

A few days later we started watching Rudolph. She turned to me and said Mommy turn it off, I don't like talking reindeer! She knows reindeer are not supposed to talk. She keeps us laughing.

This year we are trying to be faithful in participating in Advent. We are using a book called, Jotham's Journey. We are enjoying the story and hearing again the Scriptures that point us to why Christ came to us. We have very little talk of Santa in our house and try to keep the focus on God's love for us and His wonderful gift of His Son, Christ. We are a blessed people. WE have a Savior who just keeps giving Himself to us everyday. How Awesome it that!

I will close with a few pictures. We still have some tree work to do and when it is finished I will post more. The first two pictures were taken at the Botanical Gardens light show.
I pray for each of you this season lots of love and peace.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

A Day of Thanksgiving

Just a quick note this morning. The Bacon Family, wishes everyone a peaceful day. We started our celebration last night with a family time of singing praises, reading Scripture and ended with prayer. We are so blessed and God continues to rain down on us His unending mercy and grace. Today as time allows I will post more on our day of Praise and Thanksgiving.

Saturday, November 22, 2008


Okay, I have been tagged by Kristen. I must now reveal deep, dark secrets about myself. Well, don't read this if you are looking for something juicy!

8 Favorite TV Shows

Paula's Homecooking
Hidden Potential
Criminal Minds
Trauma Life in the ER
17 Kids and Counting
Adoption Stories
The Chef Jeff Project

8 Things I look forward to

All my children being home at the same time
Chongqing Sisters Reunion
Seeing all my children married, having children, and living for the Lord
Gaither Concert

8 Things on my wish List

Another child
New Car
Remodeled Kitchen
European Vacation with my entire family
Extended visit to China
Lose weight while still enjoying eating
All orphans having a loving family
Winning the Lottery so I can make all these wishes come true

8 Things I did yesterday

Took the girls to the doctor
Went to the mall
Had a dinner date with my husband
Watched Celtic Woman Christmas DVD
Read a Chapter of my book
Ordered Christmas Presents
Talked with my sister on the phone
Planned my Weekend

8 Favorite Resturants

Chick Fil A
Panera Bread
Cracker Barrell
Outback Steak House
Uno Pizza
Andrea's Pizzaria
My own kitchen

8 People I will Tag



1. Post the Rules on your blog
2. Answer all of the six items listed
3. Let each person know that they have been tagged by leaving a message on their blog

Love to you all!

Thursday, November 20, 2008


Yes, we had snow. Well, okay snow flurries that lasted 10 minutes. But for my girls it was a thrill. Living this close to the coast we don't get much so the girls are so thankful for each snowflake that falls.

Shoshannah said it was raining snow.

Snow is one of the beauties of God, that reminds me of just how awesome a Creator, He is.No two snowflakes are the same. Hmm, I think I will rest for a while in that thought....

Thursday, November 13, 2008

On Pointe

Well, Danielle has made it. This week she went up on Pointe Shoes. This is such a big deal for her. At the beginning of this year she was told by Christmas, then it was Thanksgiving, on her Wednesday class her instructor told her to come in early for her Thursday class. Danielle went in did some ballet moves, had her feet measured then told go get your shoes! So off we went. It took 45 minutes of measuring, fitting and instruction to finally get the right shoe. After handing over mega bucks (who knew cardboard and satin could cost so much) we went to lunch to celebrate.

This is big step for anyone serious about ballet, but for Danielle the victory is a little sweeter. Four years ago, three days away from recital, she fractured her right femur. She spent several weeks in a partial body cast and in severe pain. During this time she was such a soldier. Yes, she cried and screamed through moving and didn't sleep for many days/nights. We went in for a check up and discovered that the fracture had pulled apart. The first diagnosis had been a green stick fracture. But now she was off to surgery. The goal was to manipulate the bone back in place and give her a complete lower body cast. They did that, but after taking xrays, the doctor said it was not holding. At that time they inserted long rods and pins into her leg. Within 4 days of surgery she was out of pain!. Then within weeks it was time to begin physical therapy. So the pains started over, but Danielle kept working hard as she wanted to walk without the walker and more than that she wanted to dance again.

By December she was back at dance but having trouble with her knee where the pins were. The doctor determined the pins had to come out. So back to surgery and within two weeks she was back at dance. The rest is history for her. She has continued to dance and just keeps getting better and better. Danielle dances at a wonderful academy. They stress that the dance is for the Lord's glory and to be used to glorify Him. She is a graceful young lady who loves to dance.
We are so proud of her. Danielle, continue to dance for Him!

Friday, November 7, 2008

The Garden Revisited

The girls and I took a visit to the Botanical Gardens. It was a beautiful, crisp fall morning. To our amazement the Azaleas and Roses were still in bloom and the bees were busy gathering pollen from all the blooms. I love walking the gardens and just being awed by God's creation. I always ask,"How did HE think of that?". Of course I think the most beautiful creation there was my three girls.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Fall Festival 2008

Sunday night our church held our Fall Festival. It is a well attended function. Over the past few years about 5000 people have come out to enjoy this event. This year I am not sure the numbers were as high. Several reasons maybe other churches in the area are getting in on this trend. Which is great because many more people get to hear the Gospel and enjoy some great, safe family time. And this year I am happy to say that our church heard the call and made it a free event. Well, almost free. Price of admissions one bag of candy and a non perishable food item for Thanksgiving Baskets.
So, knowing Shoshannah and how much stuff she could handle we kept the costume simple. The girls and I did this about 1 hour before the event. Of course by the time we to to church which is only 25 minutes away all the make up was off and we had to reapply. And within 1 hour it was off again. Oh well, at least I got a couple of pictures.

We have trunk or treating and the people who do this really get into this. Once again I don't have good pictures. My photographer (Arielle) was serving in the Chuck Wagon.
Shoshannah wasn't sure about walking up to people and holding out her bag. However, when she figured out that they were putting in candy, well she turned PRO. We only did part of that then moved onto the carnival type games. She played a few , then off to the pony rides. We were not sure how she would respond but she went right up and took a ride and loved it:)
Danielle got to ride also which is great as she was to old to get candy and play the games.

We then went inside for chili and hot dogs, praise music, fellowship with friends and then home. It was a great night.

Here are a few pictures.

Friday, October 24, 2008

The Box has Arrived

Shoshannah has been boo'd. Anna Grace thank you for all the wonderful things you included in the box. Shoshannah was so thrilled to get a package. Before she knew who sent it I just told her she had a package. She said"OH thank you, Mommy,a package for me"
Then she got to open it and the pictures will show you how excited she was. Everything was perfect.
Anna Grace is a great shopper and she knew just the things Shoshannah would like. The Microphone is a big hit. We were just talking about getting one for her. Then Minnie Mouse coloring book, well Mickey Mouse Playhouse is her favorite show. Barrettes for her hair always a good thing as we are always misplacing them. Bubble Bath, socks, markers, and of course M&M's can't go wrong there!
So now the shopping begins...Who is next?...Stay Tuned....
Rossettee, thank you for starting this tradition for the girls.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Gotta Love'em

Today we were talking about taking showers and baths. Shoshannah loves to take her bath. Well, she said when I get old I am going to jump in the shower. After repeating this a couple of times, I asked her"Shoshannah how old is old?" She said "You" She said it so sweetly and truthfully. So I am now off to wash that grey right out of my hair. Then off to the store to find the best wrinkle cream I can buy!:)

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

It's a Small, Small World

This past weekend we headed South to visit family. Leaving at 5:37am Friday morning we headed to Swainsboro, GA to visit my parents. We arrived there about 5:00pm. It was a long trip, but Saturday was filled with nothing to do but sit around so we rested. Then Sunday morning we left and traveled 2 hours North to visit with Craig's Mom. A couple hours there then we went to lunch at Krystal's. Why don't they have this fast food place this far north? Then onto Columbia SC to see Ellis and Gina. We spent some time with them and then went onto the hotel to sleep. Leaving Columbia at 8am Monday morning we headed on home. It was as whirlwind trip but nice to see all the family we could.

On the way home we knew we had to be on the lookout for Chick fil A for lunch around 11ish. Somewhere in NC we saw a sign and went hunting, after driving off the interstate for miles and no sign of the Chick fil A we headed back to I 95 and continued on. By then I am just thinking find something. So I said let's do the next Wendy's we see. In a few minutes we spot the exit and take it only to find the Wendy's connected to a Truck stop. A no go, so back to the interstate.

Just a few more exists and WOW a Chick Fil A in Dortches NC. We take the exist and see the sign that says it is 4.1 miles down the road. You know when you are in a hurry to get home and still have hours to go you just want things to be quick. Well, we made the decision to find this Chick Fil A and we did. After driving for a couple of miles we found this really nice Chick Fil A and went inside. Now I have to say this was the best Chick Fil A. It was lunch rush, the manager started taking orders, he delivered our food to our table. In a few minutes an employee came by and gave us mints, another employee came by to see if we needed any refills. The service was exceptional. We are sitting there eating and over the high counter a lady stopped and asked how old Shoshannah was and asked what her name was. Then the questions (my mind was wondering was this some small town lady who had never seen a Chinese little girl and was wondering what her next question or comment was going to be) Then she said her granddaughter was 3 also and she was meeting her for lunch. Then she also said that her daughter was going to be excited. So I asked" Is your granddaughter adopted?" Yes, was her reply, from China. In walks her daughter and granddaughter and she calls them over. She introduced the little one as Lily. Shoshannah and Lily began to talk and the adults carried on our own conversation. It went something like this.. Where is Shoshannah from- Chongqing_ SO is Lily! What orphanage? Chongqing City. Where is Lily from Dianjiang which is near the Shicuan Province, but they stayed in Chongqing. How long has she been home> 2 years. US too! They flew home September 15 2006, we got home September 24, 2006. Shoshannah's birthdate August 4, 2005, Lily was born in July 2005. Lily's other grandmother lives on the Eastern Shore and they pass through Chesapeake on their way there. So, I gave them our address and phone number,they said they would call the next time they were traveling through. Lily and Shoshannah wanted to play,but our time was limited so off we went.

Craig and I got back in the van. Both kinda quiet thinking about what God had just done. Then we begin to talk. We don't believe in coincidences. We believe God orchestrated that meeting. And we are so thrilled. We hope to visit with this family again.

Have I ever mentioned that Shoshannah means "Rose"? There is a wonderful story behind that. Well, another way to spell Shoshannah is to leave the last h off. If you do it means Lily:)

Thursday, October 2, 2008

The Young Man Loves His Mom

I picked Andrew up from work last week and once he gets in the van he pulls out this lovely Begonia Flower. Oh my heart just took off and flew.

Andrew was never a cuddly baby, he never liked to be held and loved on. As he grew older he would avoid hugs and kisses for as long as he could. Many times "I love you Andrew" met with silence. Those days were very hard for me.

So, I just kept on loving him, hugging on him even when he didn't hug back, Praying for him and just being Mom.

Then, several years ago, the Lord began to do a work in Andrew's life. (actually, God had been working before it just wasn't obvious). We saw Andrew begin to take the faith of us and make it his own. He began to read his Bible because he wanted to not because we made him, He began asking the hard questions about what it means to be a follower of Christ. When all these inward changes began to take place the outward results were amazing to watch.

Andrew began to show love towards his sisters by putting them first and spending time with them. He began to "talk" more. He shared his faith and the things he was learning. He became passionate about what he believed about our Jesus. He responded to hugs and the words" I love you" became easier for him to say and he meant them.

When I reflect on Andrew's journey ...from little boy to young man. I stand amazed.. Amazed at this awesome young man who is going to change the world for his Lord, a young man who will be a great husband and father one day, a loyal friend, a young man who loves his family. Andrew is fun and makes us laugh. And I am proud that he is my son. I look forward to Andrew's future:)

I also stand amazed at the faithfulness of God. He stood right there with us through raising Andrew. He gave us this wonderful young man to raise as a warrior for Him. And His Words have rang true.

"Which we have heard and known, and our fathers have told us. We will not conceal them from their children, But tell to the generation to come the praises of the Lord, And His strength and His wondrous works that He has done. For He established a testimony in Jacob, and appointed a law in Israel, Which He commanded our fathers, That they should teach them to their children, That the generation to come might know, even the children yet to be born, That they may arise and tell them to their children, That they should put their confidence in God and not forget the works of God, But keep His commandments." Psalm 78:3-7

"For as the rain and the snow come down from heaven, and do not return there without watering the earth and making it bear and sprout and furnishing seed to the sower and bread to the eater; So will My word be which goes forth from My mouth; It will not return to Me empty, Without accomplishing what I desire, And without succeeding in the mater for which I sent it." Isaiah 55:10-11

So while the flower continues through its life cycles in my kitchen window, each time I look at it I will be reminded of the sweet young man who in his own special way said" I love you, Mom" and made my heart glad.