Thursday, November 20, 2008


Yes, we had snow. Well, okay snow flurries that lasted 10 minutes. But for my girls it was a thrill. Living this close to the coast we don't get much so the girls are so thankful for each snowflake that falls.

Shoshannah said it was raining snow.

Snow is one of the beauties of God, that reminds me of just how awesome a Creator, He is.No two snowflakes are the same. Hmm, I think I will rest for a while in that thought....


Gina Marie Perpetua said...

These are adorable!

I don't know if it's possible since Arielle's camera might not have a timer, but we should take a big family picture together this Christmas.

Kristin said...

Raining snow! How sweet!!

We don't get much snow at all either so it's always a treat just to get flurries.

Kristin said...

Just stopped by to tell you that you've been tagged----if you want to play!

Check out my blog for details. :)