Saturday, March 22, 2008

First Egg Hunt

We always have our Egg Hunt on the Saturday before Easter. I thought it would be only Shoshannah this year, but Danielle let me know that Arielle got to hunt eggs until she was 12. So, last night Danielle and Shoshannah dyed eggs. They had lots of fun with that. Today, Andrew and Craig hid eggs, Arielle took photos and Mom watched.

Last year, was Shoshannah's first Easter with us and she was sick. But this year she is really getting into the whole thing. Singing Hosannah and waving her palm leaf saying Jesus is coming. I love watching her learn new things.

But she really likes the egg hunt thing, she was quite the competitor. Following along behind Danielle and wanting the eggs Danielle found.

1 comment:

usafinks said...

wow! it looks like Shoshanna really got the hang of things, her basket is full :)

*sniffle* both my boys decided that they are too old (embarrased?) to be hunting eggs in the front yard... luckily, I still have Annalee to enjoy.

Happy Joyous Day to you and yours!!