Wednesday, May 28, 2008

No Name As Sweet As Mom

The name Mom-has many different variations, Mother, Mama, Mommy. From the time my babies started babbling I awaited that special moment when they said mama for the first time. Then over time without prompting Mama, turns to Mommy, Mom or Mama still. Each and every one of these words is sweet and precious. A mother's love is so deep and knows no boundaries. I have been blessed with 4 precious children that I had the joy of hearing call me mama when they were only a few months old. Then God, chose to bless me again with the beautiful adopted daughter and while I missed those first 13 months with her, when I heard her call me mama for the first time my heart just burst with the joy of that word. Knowing that even though we were not blood related we were Mother and Daughter in all the ways that are really important. Now, once again I am being blessed with another daughter. No, Mama won't be the name she calls me but she has honored me by calling me Mom. This weekend as Craig Ellis and Gina enter into the covenant of marriage I am gaining a daughter. I am truly a Blessed woman. I love the name Mom and all that comes with that. I thank the Lord for all the ways He creates a family. I praise Him for allowing me to be MOM.


usafinks said...

Congratulations to all!

May the wedding go as seamlessly as planned with safe travels for all...

and Shoshannah... may you enjoy those yummy organic lollies!!
(and stay away from Sharpies) -LOL-

we will be with you in spirit :)

posts pictures sooon!!

Lisa said...

Oh wow... how sweet and what a lucky girl to be gaining such a wonderful mother-in-law! I can't wait to hear all about the wedding!

Love the Botanical Garden pics... so beautiful!

And oh my... Shoshannah is just so cute! Can't wait to see her again!


Anne & Scott said...

Congratulations to the couple and to the whole family! And what a sweet post for your new daughter to see.

All the best!