Sunday, August 10, 2008

Summer Fun

Yesterday the weather was beautiful so I decided it was check out a new park! It is new for us. So, we grabbed some pre-made subs packed up the van and off we went. The park is actually less than 5 miles from our house. As we parked the van we heard the chanting and music of Native Americans. Wondering what we had stumbled upon we kept on heading into the park. There was a circle of NA's playing their drums and chanting. It looked to be about 3 generations of people. We continued on, found our picnic table and sat down to eat and listen in on the music. I found it haunting and lovely. After we ate we took a walk, found an old cemetery, stopped read the head stones and continued our walk. It was a very peaceful time. After our walk we let the "children" play on the playground then headed home. Our days for enjoying these family times are changing. Kinda sad, but I am creating memories that I hold near and dear in my heart:)

Here are some photos. Arielle played around with several shots and had fun. I think it will take two posts to get the best ones in.


usafinks said...

Alright Arielle... I think you need to give me some lessons -- your pic's are just beautiful.

sounds like you guys had a great park day... with the babys now turning 3, we can do sooo much more!

it really is a great family time!!

Lisa said...

As usual, great composition Arielle! I can't wait to meet you!! We have sooo much to chat about. :)

Sounds like a great day was had.... we love looking at the old tombstones too... the history of it all....

Great post.. thanks for sharing!

Jim and Juleen said...

That sounds like a wonderful, peaceful day!

I am continually impressed by Arielle's talent. She really takes some fantastic pictures.

I also loved the "God Blogs". Juleen has a similar book 'Emails from God' that I enjoyed awhile back.
